Current time in s-Hertogenbosch , Netherlands


Monday 20 May 2024, week 20 (UTC +2)

Time zone of s-Hertogenbosch

Currently Europe/Amsterdam, UTC +2.

Sunrise and sunset for s-Hertogenbosch

Local time in s-Hertogenbosch (Netherlands) with precision. Find online the exact time in s-Hertogenbosch and the time difference between s-Hertogenbosch and major cities in the world.

Week number

The week number for the 20 May 2024 is 20. This week is 13/05/2024 to 19/05/2024.

Day number

Today is the 140 th day of the year 2024.

Position s-Hertogenbosch

Position on google maps

Time difference

Time difference from major cities in the world.

New York -6 hours
Los Angeles -9 hours
Mexico -8 hours
Sao Paulo -5 hours
London -1 hours
Sydney +8 hours
Tokyo +7 hours
Mumbai +3 hours 30 minutes
Berlin +0 hours
Frankfurt +0 hours
Madrid +0 hours
Rome +0 hours
Shanghai +6 hours
Paris +0 hours

Time difference between France and Netherlands

No time difference

What time is it in s-Hertogenbosch?

If you missed it, the time in s-Hertogenbosch is 00:42.

The 30 largest cities in Netherlands